Carbon steel has been widely employed as construction materials for pipe work in the oil and gas production such as down hole tubular, piping systems and transmission pipelines.Corrosion in the oil field appears as leak in tanks, casing, tubing, pipe line and other equipment. This process changes the base metal to another type of materials. The most corrosive environment in oil field operations is caused by trace amounts of oxygen entering into a sour brine system, as well as the large amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide present in a deep oil well water (formation water).This type of corrosion forms a scale which varies from dense and adherent to loose porous and thick.Corrosion inhibitors (mainly, surfactants) are widely employed in the petroleum industry to protect iron and steel equipment used in drilling, production, transport and refining of hydrocarbons .The efficiency of the inhibition film depends on the inhibitor concentration and contact time with the metal surface. In fact, introducing of ethylene oxides into surfactant molecule (ethoxylation) increases the inhibitive effect of surfactant . The presence of these groups increases the solubility of surfactant and hence the extent of its adsorption on the metal surface increases and consequently its inhibitive action improves.
The complexing agents benzotriazole (BT) and tolyltriazole (TT) are not only widely applied as anticorrosives, e.g., in aircraft deicer and anti-icer fluid (ADAF), but they are also used for so-called silver protection in dishwasher detergents. Due to their low biodegradability and limited sorption tendency, BT and TT are only partly removed in wastewater treatment. Residual concentrations of BT and TT were determined in ambient surface waters in Switzerland including 7 rivers which have distinct water flows and receive treated wastewater effluents at various dilution ratios. A maximum BT concentration of 6.3 μg/L was found in the Glatt River, and a maximum mass flow of 277 kg BT per week was observed in the Rhine River.
Nanjing Shangding Chemical Industrial Co. Ltd
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